12 retail trends and predictions to watch for in 2017

Julie Baudhuin | February 17, 2017

12 retail trends and predictions to watch for in 2017. (according to Vend’s 2017 Retail Trends and Predictions report https://www.vendhq.com/university/retail-trends-and-predictions-2017)

  1. Retailers who promote product quality, transparency, & sustainability will flourish.
  2. Stores providing unique in-store experiences will thrive.
  3. Retailers across the board will adopt mobile payment solutions.
  4. Smaller stores are in; larger stores are out.
  5. Personalization will become increasingly important to consumers.
  6. Same-day shipping will become more prominent.
  7. Retailers will continue to invest in omnichannel.
  8. Retailtainment will pervade the industry.
  9. Data will continue to be a significant component of retail success.
  10. Specialty stores will be more productive than department stores.
  11. Retailers will turn to apps, services, and third parties to fulfill the needs of modern shoppers.
  12. Retail and technology will become even more inseparable.